Kilns | FL Cement

Our cement rotary kilns deliver high production capacity with long lifespans and low maintenance. And now, with online condition monitoring services, we can optimise kiln performance even further and help you design a smarter, …

Efficiency enhancement and cost reduction in cement …

The application of exergy analysis to cement manufacturing increased system performance and positively affected production costs. In this study, the energy and exergy analysis of a rotary kiln used for clinker production in a …

Comprehensive Guide to Cement Kilns: Processes, Types, Efficiency…

The cement kiln is a vital component of the cement manufacturing process, playing a critical role in the production of high-quality clinker. Advances in kiln technology have significantly improved energy efficiency, reduced emissions, and enhanced the overall sustainability of cement production.

Energy savings and operation improvement of rotating cement kiln …

Cement kilns are long, steel plate cylinders, lined with bricks, which slowly rotate at between 30 and 250 revolutions per hour, with a diameter of 3–5 m and a total length reaching up to 200 m, built with a small slope (1–4°) to …

Rotary kilns for calcining and roasting

Finding the right rotary kilns that will consistently withstand the pressure is the key to running an efficient and profitable operation. We provide sturdy, tested and safe rotary kilns to keep uptime high and downtime to a minimum.

Study of a full scale oxy-fuel cement rotary kiln

A full-scale oxy-fuel cement rotary kiln of 3,000 ton/year clinker capacity has been numerically investigated. The CFD study was part of an iterative optimization procedure with the process modelling of the whole cement plant with full oxy-fuel capture.

Improvement of a cement rotary kiln performance using artificial neural

This research shows that using ANN for improving the performance of rotary kiln is effective and by optimization of operational parameters through ANN and applying them in the rotary kiln, higher production in the cement industry is accessible.

ROTAX-2® Rotary Kiln

Reliable rotary kiln for cement with easy maintenance. Our ROTAX-2® Rotary Kiln for cement delivers high production capacity and requires minimal energy and space. The two-base design saves on construction time and costs and …

Rotary kilns for cement plants

So it's not surprising that a producer requires an ideal kiln solution. FL's ROTAX-2® and 3-base kilns deliver the best in rotary kiln designs. With the ideal temperature profile and material retention time, these rotary kilns play a …


Cement accounts for at least 5 percent of anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases, and, according to some estimates, this share may be even higher. At the same time, energy-related expenses in the cement sector, mostly on fossil fuels and electricity, account for 30 to 40 percent of the industry's cash costs.