Addressing modern slavery: What New Zealand businesses …

Modern slavery can occur in every industry and sector, but some are more susceptible due to the nature and location of the work, these include agriculture and fisheries, construction, healthcare services, IT services, hospitality, manufacturing, and mining. Similarly, there are also geographic drivers behind modern slavery.

Food for Thought: The Modern Slavery Act's Impact in Fresh …

The Australian food retail, wholesale and agriculture industries are no strangers to reports of poor treatment of migrant workers on Australian farms, often involving labour hire companies. 1 Due to the nature of the work involved in the production, processing, packaging and transport of food and produce, these supply chains have a …

Tackling Modern Slavery: The Role of the Private Sector

Its policies in relation to slavery and human trafficking. Its due diligence processes in relation to slavery and human trafficking in its business and supply chains. The parts of its business and supply chains where there is a risk of slavery and human trafficking taking place and the steps it has taken to assess and manage that risk.

Modern Slavery in the Diamond Jewelry Business: How …

Modern Slavery in the Diamond Jewelry Industry So far, researchers have mostly focused on the environmental issues related to the diamond jewelry industry.28,29,30 Human rights issues have primarily been discussed in the context of civil wars and conflict diamonds.31,32,33,34

'Cobalt Red' describes the 'horror show' of mining …

Smartphones, computers and electric vehicles may be emblems of the modern world, but, says Siddharth Kara, their rechargeable batteries are frequently powered by cobalt mined by workers laboring in...

Forced labour, modern slavery and trafficking in persons

Forced labour is a severe violation of human rights affecting 28 million of men, women and children in all countries and all economic sectors. It is rooted in poverty, discrimination and lack of social protection, and it disrupts …

Modern slavery and the food supply chain

The food retail, wholesale and agriculture industries are no strangers to reports of poor treatment of migrant workers on farms, often involving labour hire companies. 1 The UK's Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority (GLAA) reported in 2018 that agriculture is a "high risk" sector for exploitation and abuse. 2 It is due to the nature …

Six reasons why industry must end slavery in cobalt supply …

It is largely unregulated, extremely dangerous, and a last resort being taken by more than 255,000 artisanal miners, including 40,000 Congolese children. The 103 million people of the Democratic Republic …

Modern slavery in the cocoa sector

You may be surprised to learn that modern slavery impacts an estimated 45.8 million people worldwide. 1 Specifically, in the cocoa industry, there are almost two million children working illegally on farms in West Africa, according to Ben Greensmith, Tony's Chocolonely's UK Country Manager.

Modern slavery worldwide

Government response 8 Premium Statistic Government response to modern slavery worldwide 2021, by region and dimension Premium Statistic Countries with the strongest government response to modern ...

Modern Slavery in Mining Looms as a Key Risk to …

The industry's corporate customers are becoming more aware of modern-slavery risk and applying more stringent requirements to the miners that supply them. Governments are stepping up their scrutiny …

Financial markets and modern slavery

Briefings for policymakers and financial actors on on the role of finance sectors in addressing modern slavery risks. Published: 9th October 2023. Read the brief for policymakers. Share Share Share. The finance sector has played a key role in providing access to finance to vulnerable people exposed to modern slavery risks. However, little …


the modern slavery risks in the sector globally and present some solutions on how these risks may be addressed. It does not purport to describe exhaustively the human rights impact in the sector, or provide a complete solution to a complex, ever-developing issue.

Slavery in the Roman World

Slavery was an ever-present feature of the Roman world. Slaves served in s, agriculture, mines, the military, workshops, construction and many services.As many as 1 in 3 of the population in Italy or 1 in 5 across the empire were slaves and upon this foundation of forced labour was built the entire edifice of the Roman state.. Slavery …

This Report About Slavery And Child Labor In …

However, the "Tainted Carpets: Slavery and Child Labor in India's Hand-Made Carpet Sector," written by Siddarth Kara, a Harvard lecturer and fellow on human trafficking, documented over 3,000 cases …

Transparency in supply chains

5.1 Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (Transparency in Supply Chains) stipulates that certain commercial and private sector organisations must publish an annual modern slavery statement. 5.2 This must be approved by the Board of Directors or equivalent, setting out the steps being taken to prevent modern slavery in their …

Food for Thought: The Modern Slavery Act's Impact in Fresh …

The Australian food retail, wholesale and agriculture industries are no strangers to reports of poor treatment of migrant workers on Australian farms, often involving labour hire companies. 1 Due to the nature of the work involved in the production, processing, packaging and transport of food and produce, these supply chains have a high risk of …

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking in the …

In September 2021, the Independent Modern Slavery Commissioner (the "Commissioner"), issued a report ("September report") setting out the Commissioner's recommendations for the financial sector to take concrete steps to address modern slavery and human trafficking ("MSHT") in supply chains and activities across all …

How It's Made: Slavery Swept Under the Rug

What's the difference between a product made by child labor and one made by a fairly paid adult? In the How It's Made series, we'll explore the conditions that slave-made goods are produced in and compare that to slavery-free operations. This week, take a look at the child and bonded laborers producing items for the carpet industry.

When subterranean slavery supports sustainability …

This section argues that, in addition to being issues of power, patriarchy, and child exploitation, cobalt mining connects with the conceptual framework espousing …

Modern slavery and the food supply chain

The food retail, wholesale and agriculture industries are no strangers to reports of poor treatment of migrant workers on farms, often involving labour hire companies. 1 The UK's Gangmasters and Labour …

Child Labor and Slavery in the Chocolate Industry

While the term "slavery" has a variety of historical contexts, slavery in the cocoa industry involves the same core human rights violations as other forms of slavery throughout the world. In the documentary Chocolate's Heart of Darkness, journalists interviewed a cocoa laborer named Aziz who worked for five years without payment, starting ...

This Report About Slavery And Child Labor In India's …

However, the "Tainted Carpets: Slavery and Child Labor in India's Hand-Made Carpet Sector," written by Siddarth Kara, a Harvard lecturer and fellow on human trafficking, documented over 3,000 cases of forced labor and as many as 1,400 cases of child labor in the industry across nine northern states.

Modern slavery in United States

The 2023 Global Slavery Index (GSI) estimates that on any given day in 2021, there were 1.1 million people living in modern slavery in the US, a prevalence of 3.3 people in modern slavery for every thousand people in the country.

Slavery and King Cotton – US History I: Precolonial to …

As the cotton industry boomed in the South, Mississippi River steamboats became a defining component of the cotton kingdom. The video clip above, from a 1937 documentary by Pare Lorentz, shows cotton bales being loaded on a riverboat as they had been for generations.Riverboats were already an important part of the transportation revolution …

Exposing slavery in the colbalt industry

Harvard professor Siddharth Kara is spreading awareness of modern slavery in the cobalt mining industry in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Modern slavery risk and the mining sector

Like many sectors, those operating in the mining sector face modern slavery risk, both in their own operations and their supply chains. The Global Slavery Index identifies mining, along with garment manufacturing and agriculture, as one of the sectors most at risk of modern slavery. Its latest report in 2018 pointed specifically to risks ...

Modern Slavery in Agriculture

In 2012 the ILO (International Labour Organisation) published a booklet setting out Indicators of Forced Labour, which is intended to help "front-line" criminal law enforcement officials, labor inspectors, trade union officers, NGO workers, and others to identify persons who are possibly trapped in a forced labor situation and who may …

In U.S. Restaurants, Bars And Food Trucks, 'Modern Slavery' Persists …

In U.S. Restaurants, Bars And Food Trucks, 'Modern Slavery' Persists : The Salt A new report highlights victims of human trafficking in the food industry, from farm workers to restaurant cooks and ...

Change in Rhetoric but not in Action? Framing of the Ethical …

This article shows how the ethical framing of the contemporary issue of modern slavery has evolved in UK construction, a sector in which there is a high risk of labor exploitation. It also examines how these framing dynamics have inhibited the emergence of a common framework of action to deal with the issue. We draw on both …